Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rest in Peace, Chino

By Sister Jeanette Halbach
Director, Julia Center
Chicago, Ill.
Chino was one of the small group of men and women who call the streets and alleys of our West Town neighborhood HOME. This memorial to Chino was spray painted on a garage along North Greenview, the two block street that we walk every day on our way to Julia Center. R.I.P. Chino appeared shortly after Chino's death. He collapsed on the sidewalk in front of a cheap liquor store just a few doors west of our Center on Chicago Avenue. Chino was taken to the hospital and died shortly afterwards. I was gone for several weeks and didn't learn of Chico's death until I returned, but I was told that he had a decent burial. I was glad to know that, as Chino was one of our street friends.
Chino and his companions are a community in the true sense of the word. They stay together, care for one another and share what they have with each other. They walk the streets or sit in the doorways during the day and sleep on benches in our park at night. During the winter they are allowed to huddle together for warmth under a porch roof in the park. I always greet them and they answer, "God bless you, Sister." How they know I am a Sister I don't know, but word travels fast on the street.
The members of this tight-knit community vary. There are several that have been in the group for years, others come and go. Chino had been on the street ever since we came to the neighborhood more than 20 years ago. They are a peaceful group, always polite and respectful. They are quiet and as far as I know they have never been accused of violence. Occasionally one or another will ask for "some change." I usually carry a little money to share with them and I suggest that they buy a cup of coffee. Whether or not they buy coffee, I do not know. Some would say it is not a good idea to give money, as all they will do is buy a bottle of wine. I do not ask what they do with the money. I'm glad it is not for me to judge. Scripture tells us not to judge, but rather that we share with those in need.
Just this week another memorial appeared on North Greenview. This memorial consisted of a little pair of toddler's shoes and a toy truck taped to a lamp post with a message written by the mother to her 29 year old son, Felipe. She said she would never forget him. I didn't know Felipe or his mother, and I don't know how Felipe died, whether from illness or gang violence. The toddler's shoes and little truck were her precious momentos of a son she loved.
Rest in Peace, Felipe. We pray for you and for all who roam the streets in search of some kind of happiness and understanding.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Earth Day at Victory Noll

It is spring time and we call upon poems, songs and prayers we've known for a long time to celebrate the Season. "When It's Spring Time in the Rockies". "Consider the lilies of the field. They neither toil nor spin, yet not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these": Jesus.
Really, civilization is developing in some areas. EARTH DAY popped up, it seems simultaneously, on both sides of the Atlantic, for starters. Mother Earth must be protected and cherished. GO GREEN !!!
EARTH DAY is celebrated, gratefully, at Victory Noll. Local children are invited to join the Sisters in procession to the rose garden, the field, the pond, the orchard, the cemetery and the Peace Garden. These areas are blessed with holy water and with prayer.
The children, ever attentive, are taught how to plant a tree and each one is given a small tree to take home to plant. This way the family participates on home territory in EARTH DAY.
In earlier times, and presently, Catholic parishioners led by their priest move in procession during spring time, for the blessing of fields, praying for abundant harvest.
A popular prayer for this devotion is the Litany of the Saints. This gives the name of Rogation Days to the Observance, particularly when prayer was offered in Latin. Historically, Rogation Days were observed the three days preceding Ascension Thursday each spring.