Earth Day at Victory Noll
It is spring time and we call upon poems, songs and prayers we've known for a long time to celebrate the Season. "When It's Spring Time in the Rockies". "Consider the lilies of the field. They neither toil nor spin, yet not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these": Jesus.
Really, civilization is developing in some areas. EARTH DAY popped up, it seems simultaneously, on both sides of the Atlantic, for starters. Mother Earth must be protected and cherished. GO GREEN !!!
EARTH DAY is celebrated, gratefully, at Victory Noll. Local children are invited to join the Sisters in procession to the rose garden, the field, the pond, the orchard, the cemetery and the Peace Garden. These areas are blessed with holy water and with prayer.
The children, ever attentive, are taught how to plant a tree and each one is given a small tree to take home to plant. This way the family participates on home territory in EARTH DAY.
In earlier times, and presently, Catholic parishioners led by their priest move in procession during spring time, for the blessing of fields, praying for abundant harvest.
A popular prayer for this devotion is the Litany of the Saints. This gives the name of Rogation Days to the Observance, particularly when prayer was offered in Latin. Historically, Rogation Days were observed the three days preceding Ascension Thursday each spring.
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